Monday, April 09, 2007

Leadership 101

Something to share what I've read:

If I can't lead myself, others won't follow me.
If I can't lead myself, others won't respect me.
If I can't lead myself, others won't partner with me.

-John Maxwell- Christian motivator, writer

How true..I've been reading his latest book on leadership : The 360 degrees Leader.
It's about developing influence and leadership to people around you, top to bottom and across.
Really good stuff, whether in work on in ministry.

Here are 7 ways to lead yourself:
1. Manage your emotions - good leaders know when to display emotion and when to delay them
2. Manage your time- until you value yourself, you won't value your time, until you value your time, you will not do anything with it
3. Manage your priorities- 'stop doing' list is equally important as 'to do' lists
4. Manage your energy-major on teh major, minor on the minor
5. Manage your thinking- the greatest enemy of good thinking is busyness, 1 minute of thinking is better than an hour of talk or unplanned work
6. Manage your words- say things that are edifying, useful and adding value to others
7. Manage your personal life- success is having those closest to us love and respect us the most


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