Sunday, October 01, 2006

Mount K pics!

1) Before the hike ...contemplative on the hike: Do I have what it takes? (aka 'Die..lah! What have I gotten myself into!??!!)

2) The mountain sheep before the slaughter!

4) Pondok mempening- this one of the many pit stops along the way up. The pondok name indicated the beginning of the journey where most ppl begin to 'pening' due to altitude sickness. But thank God, I didn't get it.

5) That's me hiking in the dark for the second stretch!

I guess, the expressions says it all...don't underestimate Mount K!

6) The happy four! We are not ashamed to be band of slow climbers. :P

Check out the tiny people in comparison with the rocky terrain on the top.

7) Mount K from the base...we were up there!